25% off each of my new five part online classes!

Spring is here, and I am in a good mood. Life is everywhere, and it's wondrous, just as the forest is generous and provides me with fresh, free, leafy green vegetables. Since Nature is bountiful now, it has inspired me to offer a 25% off Sale on ALL the new online classes I have developed! It starts with “Bone Tools and Jewelry Making”-class this Saturday! Then there's Nature Photography and Awareness:The Way of The Caretaker. The discount will be applied at check out. Each class consists of 5 2-hour live Zoom sessions, of which you will get the recording. Since there are gaps between the sessions, each of these online classes will have its own dedicated online space where we can chat and share photos of our work, and I can give out homework (hehe) and upload videos to you in between sessions. I'm very excited about these classes as I've put a lot into them. Hope to see you there!

5-Session Bone tool Making ONLINE Class
Register Now!

To find the rest, head to my schedule page. If you still need to see the last email, I have separated my website into two. One website is dedicated to Nature Education, and the other to Photography. If you want to go, check out my new Photography website. Their team manages all of the backend stuff for an insanely low price, taking a huge chunk off my plate and freeing me up to create new classes, take more beautiful photographs, and film some epic scenery! One last thing! The folks from Cascadia Wild and I will host a class here in Sandy in July. I will put all the info on my schedule page later this evening. In the meantime, you should go check out their website. They are an entirely volunteer-run organization that is doing some excellent work. Please go take a look at their website by clicking the link above!

Much love, thanks, and praises,
